The Crew
Each of our Electricity Safety & Conservation presenters has at least 30 years experience in the electrical field, and has been trained to give consistent, high quality presentations to the elementary schools we visit. You can see their profiles below.
Bill and Joan Coakley
Founders of Electricity Safety and Conservation
Bill started the business in 1992, after retiring with 33 years working with Oakville Hydro. Bill was doing the electricity safety presentations for Oakville Hydro. The other utilities were very impressed with the way Bill presented to the students and asked him to travel to their schools. Bill and his wife Joan traveled for 10 years giving presentations to the schools throughout Ontario. We now have 6 presenters traveling across Ontario. We upgraded our presentation to include more conservation with the use a power point program to connect with the hands on program.
Sandra Maye
C.E.O & President of Electricity Safety & Conservation
Sandra is an Industrial instrumentation mechanic. She works with the utilities across Ontario to set up for their school, safety days and Fairs. Sandra also has been trained on the Highline Hazard Unit and fills in where needed in schools and fair programs.
If you have not had a presentation in your school in the past 4 years please call ….705-432-3284 or 905-973-8229
Brandi Smith
Brandi joined our company in 2021.
She contacts the schools on behalf of each Electrical Utility in Ontario to set up presentation schedules for each presenter. The program is set up in a four year increment, where needed in schools and fair programs. If you have not had a presentation in your school in the past 4 years please call... 905-925-5239.
Klaus Beltrame
Klaus joined us in 2000. He retired from Dofasco Inc. with over 30 years as an Electrical supervisor in Hamilton where he lives. He was born in Austria and is fluent in German and English…
Klaus does the presentation to JK to 8 students and he also keeps all our equipment in tip top condition. You never know what kind of invention he is going to come up with…
Fern Chiasson
French Presenter
Fern joined our group in 2012 with years of electrical experience. Ontario has many French schools and requirement of French only in their presentations. Fern is able to give his presentations in French for French schools and English for the balance of schools. This requires him to cover all of Ontario.
Blair Maye
Blair joined ES&C in 2009. He came to us from working with Canada Wire and Cable for 15 year. Blair is our youngest presenter, with a lot of new ideas for Safety and Conservation, with lifetime of working with electricity safety as he is the grandson of Bill and Joan Coakley.
As well as presenting in the school, Blair is very popular in the community safety days and Fairs.
Blair enjoys photography and is adding to our power point program and web site.
Ryan Prashad
Ryan joined our team late in 2019 with a strong background in electrical engineering and public speaking. We are thrilled to be adding someone who is familiar with the various utilities that we work with. We are excited to have him as part of our team and look forward to the many new ideas he brings.